Am I Eligible to Register?

To be eligible to register at the UEA Medical Centre you must meet the following 3 criteria:

  • You must have an affiliation with the university or research park (see below)
  • You must be entitled to NHS Care (see below)
  • Your Norwich address is within our practice boundary (see below)

Our NHS contract requires us to provide home visits to all patients registered with us.  If you live outside our boundary, we are not able to provide this service, therefore you will need to register with a GP closer to where you live.

Visit NHS Choices – find a GP to search.

Practice Boundary Map

Accepted Affiliations with the University or Research Park

  • University student or staff member (including Norwich University of the Arts)
  • An employee of the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital
  • An employee of any organisation (park partner or company) situated on the Norwich Research Park
  • A contractor who is contracted to provide services for the university, research park or NNUH hospital 
  • A person co-habiting at the same address as someone in the above 3 criteria (who must already be a registered patient) 
  • Ex-patients wishing to re-register within 5 years of leaving the practice list

Are you Eligible for NHS care?

The NHS operates a residence-based healthcare system. 

Most NHS services are free to people who are ordinarily resident in the UK. 

Generally, NHS care is free for those;

  • ordinarily resident in the UK (which means living in the UK on a lawful and properly settled basis for the time being)
  • insured by an EEA member state with a valid EHIC or S1 form
  • covered under the Immigration Health Charge 
  • exempt in law eg; refugees, asylum seekers, victims of modern slavery, people covered under reciprocal healthcare agreements with the UK   

Even if you are ordinarily resident here or are generally exempt from charge for your NHS care, some NHS services are not free such as prescriptions, opticians and dentistry.  

What do you Need to Bring with you?

  • NHS Number: Your NHS number is unique to you and shows you are a registered patient of your present doctor. If you do not know your NHS number you can find your NHS number here
  • Medical History and Serious Illness or Ongoing Treatment: If you have had a serious illness, if you are currently undergoing medical treatment or hospital investigation, or if you are currently taking medication, then a brief doctor’s letter (in English) summarising your medical history, will help us provide you with uninterrupted health care.
  • Medication: Bring enough medication to last you at least 6-8 weeks until you have seen a doctor here.
  • Medical Insurance: If you have arrived from overseas, bring details of your medical insurance to cover general practice, specialist and hospital care if your stay in the UK is less then 6 months (unless you are from a country/area with a reciprocal healthcare agreement with the UK) as you may not be eligible for free NHS care.
  • International Students – TB (Tuberculosis) Screening Certificate: If you are from a high risk TB country, bring with you your official TB certificate.