Training & Research Practice

Training Practice

We are a Training practice!

What does this mean? It means that we are helping train the next generation of GPs by providing placements for GP trainees.

What is a GP Trainee? This is a qualified doctor who has decided to embark on a career in general practice, and so is training to be a GP. As part of their training they spend a total of 18 months working at a training practice. This is usually divided into a 6 month and 12 month placement.

How much experience do they have? They will have spent at least 5 years at medical school to qualify as a doctor. They will then have done 2 years working in hospitals before starting a 3 year training programme to become a GP, during which they will spend 18 months in a training practice. Often the GP Trainee will have more up to date knowledge on hospital treatment and service than we do, as they have just come from a hospital job. So by the time you see this doctor they will have been working as a doctor for at least 2 years, possibly longer.

Why do they have to ask other GPs in the practice for advice? There is a vast difference in the range and types of clinical cases and patients seen in general practice compared to hospital medicine. In a surgical job at the hospital a doctor will only see surgical cases every day, in general practice an average surgery may consist of a general medical case, then an ill child, then patient with a skin rash then a patient with depression etc. So there is a wide variety which can be quite challenging when you start in general practice. The GP trainees are always supervised by a fully trained GP and are encouraged to ask for help whenever they feel necessary for your safety and benefit, so please be patient, one day these doctors may be your GP. GP trainees have longer appointments to allow for this. All their appointments will be reviewed with a GP at the end of their clinic.

Research Practice

We are a research ready practice!

We have been involved in medical research since 2020. Dr Dooldeniya is our lead GP for research and he has been involved in medical research since 2010. We continue to look to expand our involvement in research and will look for studies that would utilise our demographics of patients. We are currently involved in the following – click on the links to find out more! For some you can just sign yourself up – and some research studies offer rewards for participating!

For more information about primary care research in our region visit East of England

Aims to find out whether the medication sertraline is an effective treatment for anxiety in adults with a diagnosis of autism. They are interested to see whether sertraline reduces symptoms of anxiety, enhances quality of life, and is effective in the longer term.

Aims to map loneliness within the population to highlight the scale of the issue and help decision makers consider new ways to support individuals who are lonely, feeling socially isolated and who may be suffering in silence.

Are you experiencing brain fog since having COVID-19? Join the BEACON trial to help find out if a brain training app can improve your brain health

Do you want to help with the identification of eating disorders? The University of Exeter are looking to map out the current practices in primary care in relation to the identification and management of Binge Eating Disorders and Bulimia Nervosa, with this 5 minute online survey.