Contraceptive Coil Appointments & Consent Form

There are a few types of coils (IUCs) – click on the links below for further information:

Important – please note: If you wish to have an IUC fitted, then we advise that you speak to a coil fitting doctor first (Dr Gillibrand) so they can ensure it is the right method for you and that you have considered all options. You can book a face-to-face or telephone appointment for this. We will arrange the appointment for you thereafter. If you click on the link below, you can download the information leaflet that we provide for these procedures.

Coil Removals: If you wish to have a device removed, you must think carefully about plans for contraception afterwards and over the few days before the removal.  It is very important that you either do not have sex for 7 days, or are using another reliable method of contraception for 7 days prior to removal.  If this does not happen, then we may have to delay the removal.

Extension to the Licence of the Mirena (hormonal) Contraceptive Coil to 8 years for Contraceptive Use

If you are using the Mirena 52mg hormonal coil for contraception, you can safely rely on it for contraception and it is now licenced for 8 years (not 6 years, as previously announced in March 2023). This applies to existing and new users of the Mirena coil.

Click here to read a supporting statement from the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) Clinical Effectiveness Unit in relation to the extension of the duration of use of the Mirena Coil for contraception to 8 years.

What has not changed?

If you are using the Mirena coil and it was fitted when you were 45 years or older, you can use it as contraception until age 55.

If you are using the Mirena coil as part of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), it must be changed after 5 years regardless of how old you were when it was fitted.

If you are using the Mirena coil only to help your periods you can use it for as long as it works for you.